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Upcoming International symposium on rhythm (May 29, 2019)

Apr 06, 2019

Chasing Rhythm: Encounters at the Edge of Academic and Epistemological Traditions.

International Symposium on Rhythm

Margaret St. Lecture room, School of Art, Birmingham City University, Birmingham UK
29 May 2019 - 9am-5pm


This Symposium acknowledges, records and responds to a period of revived interest in the philosophical understandings and methodological affordances of the category of rhythm across a range of subjects and disciplines.

The history of the study of rhythm is in itself denoted by a rhythmic cadence, as historian of rhythm, philosopher and social theorist Pascal Michon observes (2016). Michon identifies three fundamental periods of rhythmic renaissance: a first one, in ancient times, coinciding with the so called Hellenization of culture, characterised by a surge in written communication...

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Prochainement Ă  la radio: "Se transformer tout au long de la vie"

Apr 06, 2019

Dimanche 7 avril 2019 à 15h00, Michel Alhadeff-Jones est l'invité de l'émission "Cause à effet", le magazine du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation, sur la radio parisienne Cause Commune (93.1 FM en Île de France ou en podcast sur Internet ). Il répond aux questions de Stéphane Manet sur le temps, la formation et les transformations qui affectent la vie adulte et l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie.

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Journée d'étude: Rythmes et temporalités en formation

Mar 27, 2019

A l'occasion de la parution du numéro 217 de la Revue française Education Permanente, le CNAM organise le 4 avril 2019 à Paris une journée d'étude sur le thème "Rythmes et Temporalités en Formation" avec les professeurs Michel Alhadeff-Jones (Institut Sunkhronos), Jean-Michel Baudouin (Université de Genève), Paul Olry (AgroSup Dijon) et Pascal Roquet (CNAM).

A propos du numéro de Education Permanente:

Aborder les phénomènes temporels dans les activités de travail et de formation impose de recourir à des concepts spécifiques afin de dépasser les conceptions réductrices liées à la simple gestion pour réinterroger les postulats sur le temps, les rythmes, la diachronie, les expériences temporelle, l’agencement du passé, du présent et de l’avenir, l’organisation temporelle des champs sociaux... Comprendre les...

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Now available in Paperback: "Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education"

Jan 31, 2019

Since it was published in 2017, Michel Alhadeff-Jones' book Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education encountered a lot of interest (16 reviews have already been published in academic journals and additional reviews are in the pipeline; some extracts are available here). We are therefore very happy to announce that it was published six months ahead of the regular schedule in paperback version. The book is now available in three formats: Paperback, hardback, and ebook. It can be ordered through the publisher's website (Routledge).

Michel's research on the temporalities and the rhythms of education is at the core of his contribution to the TRC Lab and it frames some of his coaching work at the Institute. If you are interested to learn more about this publication and Michel's research, feel free to contact us.

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About the book:

Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education. Rethinking the temporal complexity of self and...

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