
With the Temporalities, Rhythms and Complexity Lab, we produce knowledge and methods that are critical, innovative, and transdisciplinary, in order to better understand how transformative processes unfold through space and time.

Temporalities, Rhythms & Complexity Lab

The mission of the TRC Lab is to develop and promote a better understanding of the different temporalities which pace and constrain individual and collective lives. Its aim is to develop original theoretical contributions and innovative methods of research and training to facilitate the recognition, the interpretation, the organization and the transformation of the rhythms and fluxes that shape people's existence, in the everyday life and in a long-term perspective.

Research Projects

The agenda of the TRC Lab is currently organized around four axes of research.

The aim of this project is to develop innovative coaching and training methods that articulate best practices grounded in the use of life history, narratives and biographical approaches, with strategies informed by rhythmanalysis and current research in rhythmology.

The aim of this project is to conceptualize "rhythmic intelligence" and  design methods that can be used to develop the experiences, knowledge and skills it involves. It is based on the assumption that people develop throughout their lives the individual and collective capacity to pilot and regulate their own transformations and the ways they evolve. More information:

The aim of this project is to study how the development of rhythmic intelligence may contribute to foster – individually and collectively – emancipatory processes, changes and  transformations that contribute to social and environmental transitions. 


The aim of this project is to develop and experiment online educational resources  that can be used worldwide to reinforce field-based participatory action research. It focuses in particular on the development of rhythmic intelligence, in connection with local initiatives related to social and environmental transitions.


Research Groups

The TRC Lab supports the development of communities of practice and research to foster collaborations and sustain academic exchanges locally and internationally.

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