Since it was published in 2017, Michel Alhadeff-Jones' book Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education encountered a lot of interest (16 reviews have already been published in academic journals and additional reviews are in the pipeline; some extracts are available here). We are therefore very happy to announce that it was published six months ahead of the regular schedule in paperback version. The book is now available in three formats: Paperback, hardback, and ebook. It can be ordered through the publisher's website (Routledge).
Michel's research on the temporalities and the rhythms of education is at the core of his contribution to the TRC Lab and it frames some of his coaching work at the Institute. If you are interested to learn more about this publication and Michel's research, feel free to contact us.
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About the book:
Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education. Rethinking the temporal complexity of self and...
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